Free guide to getting more done in less time
Our latest free guide focuses on explaining how you can get more done in less time, by emulating the work habits of the most productive people in your organisation.
If you want to get something done, so the old saying goes, the best person to ask to do it is the busiest person you know.
It is true that there are some people who find it very easy to get a lot of things done, even though they don’t have any more skills, knowledge, or experience than us, they just seem to be able to fit much more into the same amount of time that it takes the rest of use to achieve the bare minimum.
There is another old saying that time is money, which seems to be increasingly relevant to the modern work place, especially as workforce number shrink in order to cut costs and to do lists get longer.
It is any wonder that stress levels and absence from work that are attributed to mental health issues are increasing?
Time is a strange concept, the way in which we measure it is largely artificial, we could split the day into any structure, we just go for 24 hours made up of 60 minutes of sixty seconds duration.
We can not really manage time, we can’t lengthen the day to fit our requirements.
All that we can do is attempt to make the best use of the time that we have available.
This entails being able to assess priorities and as one of my least successful former managers often said deciding who he was going to disappoint each day.
That ability to manage priorities will be an increasingly important skill for employees to have regardless of the industry that they work in, or the type of job that they do.
As with most things the best way to learn how to do something is to find someone who does what you want to learn better than you can and make a concerted effort to learn from them.
This is what Jill Konrath the author of More Sales Less Time - Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Today’s Crazy-Busy Sellers did.
Konrath identified that unlike any other worker than perhaps the emergency workers sales people have to use time differently.
It is normal for sales people to have a large part of their salary as variable pay – commission.
Although this is variable and not guaranteed many sales people live on a budget that is close to their highest level of monthly income.
This means that they can not afford to waste time, they have to make sure that every minute of activity contributes to the achievement of that income.
Sales people says Konrath face intense, unremitting, psychological pressure.
In simple terms if they don’t sell, they don’t eat.
Her extensive research, which included analysing the work of neuroscientists, psychologists, time-management experts, cognitive behavioural specialists, psychiatrists, sleep researchers and business innovators revealed some interesting and useful results.
We have synthesized these findings in to a straight-forward how to guide that can be used by anyone, doing any job, to enable them to get more done in less time.
You can download a copy at this link.
In this free how to guide to making more effective use of your time you will learn:
- What techniques and strategies salespeople can use to manage their time;
- How to start and finish your selling day;
- How to use the time blocks to manage your work;
- How to help your sales team become more productive; and
- What methods, such as using the “Time Master Manifesto,” can help you focus your time management efforts.
Download your free how to get more done in less time from this link
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